Seasons Change: Glover-Archbold Community Garden

I have mixed feelings about the Glover-Archbold Community Garden, located a few blocks from my home and half-surrounded by Rock Creek Park.

glover park community gardens

Photo: Lydia Polimeni

In the summer I envy the gardeners, working away under their sunhats with trowel and water hose; there is a years-long wait list to receive one of the coveted plots. But I also take a sensual pleasure in a wander through the maze-like patches, filled with sprouting greens and ripening produce, bright flowers and buzzing bees, and the fragrance of lavender, basil and sage.

Sage in Glover Park Community Gardens

Photo: Lydia Polimeni

I enjoy seeing the dedication and pride with which local residents grow their own food.

In autumn, the browning gardens sadden me as the dying plants whisper of winter to come. This November morning there was still loveliness to be found in the oldest continuously used  District “victory garden.”

Photo: Lydia Polimeni

Photo: Lydia Polimeni

Photo: Lydia Polimeni